an image of a senior doing low impact exercise

Low Impact Exercises for Seniors at Home

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Discover 7 Easy Low Impact Exercises for Seniors to Undertake From Home

You’re never too old to get moving! As a senior, you may worry about injury, but don’t let that stop you.

Low impact exercises are a safe and effective way to maintain your health at home. They’re gentle on your joints and can be modified to suit your abilities.

Let’s explore some easy and beneficial workouts you can do right from your living room.

Stay active, stay healthy, and most importantly, stay happy!


One can’t underestimate the power of a simple walk for boosting your health and fitness levels. Walking is an activity you can do at any age, but it’s especially beneficial for seniors. It’s low impact, which means it’s easy on your joints, and it doesn’t require any special equipment or gym memberships. All you need is a good pair of shoes and a safe place to walk.

When you make walking a part of your daily routine, you’re doing more than just moving your legs. You’re improving your cardiovascular health, strengthening your muscles, and enhancing your balance. It’s a holistic fitness approach that benefits your body, mind, and spirit. If you’re not used to regular physical activity, start slowly. A short, brisk walk around the block is a great way to start. Gradually increase your distance and pace as your stamina improves.

Walking can also be a social occasion. Invite a friend to join you, or join a local walking group. This not only makes the walk more enjoyable, but it also keeps you accountable. You’re more likely to stick with your walking routine if you have someone to share it with.


Another low impact exercise you can consider is swimming, which, like walking, offers multiple health benefits while being kind to your joints. Immersed in water, you’ll experience near weightlessness which reduces the strain on your body, making it an ideal workout for seniors. Plus, the gentle resistance offered by water can improve your strength, flexibility, and endurance.

Swimming is versatile; it allows you to adjust the intensity of your workout according to your comfort and fitness level. Whether you’re leisurely gliding through the water or doing laps, you’re still getting a full-body workout that increases your heart rate without causing stress to your body.

One of the wonderful aspects of swimming is that it helps to build cardiovascular fitness while being easy on your joints. The buoyancy of the water supports your weight, relieving stress on your knees, hips, and back. This can be particularly beneficial if you’re dealing with arthritis or other joint conditions.

The water’s resistance also assists in toning your muscles and improving your balance, which can help prevent falls – a common concern for seniors. Additionally, swimming can enhance your mental health. The rhythmic nature of the strokes and the soothing effect of water can help to reduce stress and improve mood.

Lastly, swimming can be a great social activity. Many pools offer group classes designed for seniors, providing a chance to meet with peers, make new friends, and share a common interest. So, why not dive in? You’ll not only be taking a step towards better health, but also towards a more active and enjoyable lifestyle.

Sit to stand

Transitioning from swimming, practicing sit-to-stand exercises can be another effective strategy in your at-home fitness regimen, particularly for enhancing your lower body strength and stability. Incorporating this exercise can help you maintain function in daily activities, reduce the risk of falls, and promote independence.

Sit-to-stand exercises mimic the movements you use every day. Therefore, incorporating this exercise won’t only boost your overall fitness, but it will also make those everyday tasks easier and safer.

Here are a few steps to follow when doing sit-to-stand exercises at home:

  • Begin by sitting towards the front of a sturdy, non-rolling chair.
  • Place your feet hip-distance apart and lean slightly forward.
  • Using your legs, stand up slowly while keeping your back and shoulders straight.
  • Pause for a moment after standing up, then slowly sit back down, controlling your movement.
  • Repeat this process for several repetitions, gradually increasing as your strength improves.

Remember, it’s important to go at your own pace and listen to your body. If you’re feeling any discomfort or pain, it’s okay to stop and rest. If possible, have someone nearby for support, especially when first starting out.

Sit-to-stand exercises are a simple yet effective way to build strength and stability. They’re a great addition to your at-home fitness routine, complementing other low-impact exercises like swimming. Keep up the good work and stay committed to your fitness goals – you’re doing great!


In your own backyard, you’ll find that gardening can be a fruitful way to stay fit and active. With favourable weather, it’s an ideal form of low impact exercise that promotes physical and mental well-being.

Engaging in gardening can offer a variety of benefits. It’s a full-body workout that strengthens your muscles, boosts your cardiovascular system, and improves your balance and flexibility. Tasks such as digging or shovelling can be particularly effective, helping you burn calories and enhance your strength. However, it’s important to ensure that you’re working at a pace that suits your individual fitness level to avoid overexertion.

Gardening also provides a natural way to soak up some vitamin D. Regular exposure to sunlight, especially in the early morning or late afternoon, can help maintain healthy bones and teeth. Remember to protect your skin though, by wearing sunscreen, a hat, and appropriate clothing.

Moreover, gardening isn’t just physically beneficial. It can also contribute to your mental health by reducing stress and fostering a sense of accomplishment. As you tend to the plants and watch them grow, you’ll find a profound sense of satisfaction and joy. It’s a therapeutic activity that encourages patience and mindfulness.

Before you start, ensure you have the right tools to make the tasks easier and safer. Consider using ergonomic gardening tools that are designed to minimize strain and discomfort. Also, remember to stay hydrated and take breaks as needed.

In your golden years, gardening can be a meaningful and rewarding exercise. It’s a delightful way to stay active, enjoy nature, and cultivate your own piece of paradise at home.

Strength Training

While you’re reaping the physical and mental benefits of gardening, don’t forget that adding strength training to your home workout routine can significantly improve your muscle and bone health. This low impact exercise not only bolsters your strength for everyday activities like carrying groceries and household chores, but also contributes to better balance, reducing the risk of falls.

Strength training is accessible and affordable, requiring little to no equipment. Bodyweight exercises are a perfect starting point. Here are a few exercises that you can safely perform at home:

  • Push-ups: Start with wall push-ups, which are easier and safer for beginners.
  • Supported lunges: Use a chair or wall for support to maintain balance.
  • Squats: Begin with chair squats, gradually progressing to free-standing squats as your strength improves.
  • Standing leg lifts: These help to strengthen your lower body and improve balance.
  • Seated rowing: Using a resistance band, this exercise works your upper body and core.

Before starting any new exercise regimen, it’s crucial to consult with a professional personal trainer or your doctor to ensure the routines are suitable for your current health condition. Remember, the goal isn’t to achieve the prowess of a young athlete but to maintain and improve your overall health and well-being.

Listen to your body and adjust the intensity of your workouts accordingly. It’s not about how fast you can progress, but rather, how consistent you can be in incorporating strength training into your lifestyle.

Water Aerobics

As you continue to build strength with home-based exercises, you might also want to consider water aerobics as another effective low-impact workout option. Known also as aqua aerobics, this form of exercise isn’t only enjoyable but also significantly beneficial for your overall health and well-being.

Water aerobics takes advantage of the supportive nature of water. It allows for ease of movement, which is particularly helpful if you’re dealing with joint pain or mobility issues. The water acts as a cushion for your body, reducing the impact on your joints as compared to land-based exercises. This means you’ll be able to exercise longer and more comfortably, with less post-workout aches and pains.

Moreover, water aerobics can be a fun social activity as well. It’s often performed in a group setting, giving you the opportunity to meet new people and build a community. But don’t worry if you’re not a strong swimmer. You don’t need to be Michael Phelps to reap the benefits of water aerobics. Most exercises are performed in waist or chest-deep water.

As a senior, maintaining an active lifestyle is crucial for your health. Water aerobics, with its low-impact nature, makes it a suitable option to incorporate into your routine. Look for a nearby swimming pool, ask about their water aerobics classes, and take the plunge. You’ll not only boost your physical health but also enjoy a refreshing change from your everyday at-home exercises.


After your water aerobics session, it’s time to add some yoga into your routine at home, offering another low-impact exercise that’s perfect for seniors. Gentle yoga, particularly chair yoga, lets you stretch your body and relax your mind without straining your joints. However, remember to consult your doctor to ensure this form of exercise suits your individual needs.

As a senior, starting a new exercise regimen might seem intimidating. But don’t worry, yoga is all about taking things at your own pace. Begin with simple poses and gradually work your way up. Here are some easy yoga exercises you can try at home:

  • Seated Mountain Pose: This helps improve posture and breathing.
  • Chair Cat-Cow Stretch: A great way to stretch your spine and neck.
  • Seated Forward Bend: This pose is good for stretching your lower back and hamstrings.
  • Chair Pigeon Pose: It helps to stretch your hip flexors and lower back.
  • Chair Savasana: A relaxing pose to finish your session, focusing on breathing and calming your mind.

Always remember to start slow, especially if you haven’t exercised in a while. Too much too soon can increase your risk of injury. Yoga isn’t a competition; it’s a journey of self-discovery and health improvement. So be gentle with yourself and enjoy the process.

With regular practice, you’ll notice improvements in your flexibility, balance, strength, and overall wellbeing. Don’t be surprised if you find yourself looking forward to your daily yoga routine!

The Benefits of a Low Impact Workout

In addition to yoga, embarking on a low impact workout routine offers numerous benefits for your overall health and wellbeing. These exercises aren’t only gentle on your bones, joints, and connective tissues, but they’re also highly effective in maintaining cardiovascular health. Those suffering from chronic conditions like osteoarthritis or osteoporosis may find this approach especially beneficial.

Low impact workouts are designed to minimize stress and strain on the body while still offering a comprehensive workout. You’ll be able to get your heart pumping and your muscles moving without the risk of overexertion or injury. These routines are achievable and can be tailored to your unique fitness level.

Research has also shown that low impact exercises can be as effective as high-impact workouts in reducing the risk of heart disease. This means that you don’t have to endure strenuous routines to keep your heart healthy. You’re not only being kind to your joints, but you’re also taking a proactive step towards cardiovascular wellbeing.

Moreover, low impact workouts can also aid in the healing and recovery of damaged joints. They promote strength and flexibility, crucial components in recovery and maintaining overall physical health.

What does low-impact mean?

You might be wondering, what exactly does ‘low-impact’ mean in terms of exercise? In essence, low-impact exercises are types of physical activity that are gentler on your joints and bring about less stress to your body. With age, the body may not respond as enthusiastically to high-intensity workouts as it used to, and that’s where low-impact exercises come into play.

These exercises are designed to minimize the risk of injury, especially in seniors, while still providing the health benefits of physical activity. Here are some key characteristics of low-impact exercises:

  • They put less strain on your joints, especially the knees and hips, which can be problematic areas for many seniors.
  • These exercises typically involve keeping at least one foot on the ground at all times, which can help in maintaining balance.
  • They allow for a slower pace, which can be more manageable, particularly for seniors or those just starting out with a new exercise routine.
  • Low-impact exercises promote better posture and flexibility, both of which are crucial for maintaining mobility.
  • They can be done at home with minimal or no equipment, making them accessible and convenient for many people.


Incorporating low-impact exercises into your daily routine can significantly enhance your health, strength, and overall well-being. Whether it’s walking, gardening, or practicing yoga, these activities are easy on your joints, yet effective.

So, don’t let age limit you. Stay active, embrace low-impact exercises and enjoy the benefits they bring. You’ve got this, and remember, it’s never too late to start working on your fitness.